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1976, NovemberRelativity Theory Program at November Meeting on the 30thNotice197611.pdf
1976, NovemberObserving Chairman's Report: Plunging Deep into December Snows For Deepsky Observing and ChillblainsArticle197611.pdf
1976, NovemberFirst Report from Club's New President, Larry SteppStepp, LarryArticle197611.pdf
1976, NovemberSky CalendarNotice197611.pdf
1976, NovemberDiscovery of Soviet "Crater" is Cited to Support Meteorite TheoryArticle197611.pdf
1976, NovemberIs NASA Hiding Positive Proof that Life Exists on the Moon?News, Syndicated197611.pdf
1976, OctoberElection of Officers is Rescheduled for October Club MeetingNotice197610.pdf
1976, OctoberClub Activities include SkyshowArticle197610.pdf
1976, OctoberObserving Chairman's Report: Heading into Winter SkywatchingArticle197610.pdf
1976, OctoberSoviets: Spaceship From Another World Caused Siberian BlastArticle197610.pdf
1976, OctoberSome (Random) Notes from Your Travelling Editor...Thomas, LeeArticle197610.pdf
1976, SeptemberAnnual Elections For Club Officers Scheduled During September MeetingClub Business197609.pdf
1976, September"Star Watch" is New Club ProjectArticle197609.pdf
1976, SeptemberSky CalendarNotice197609.pdf
1976, AugustObservatory Committee Makes its Pitch to Council: No Money from City FundsArticle197608.pdf
1976, AugustAugust Meeting at Regular PlaceNotice197608.pdf
1976, AugustPresident's Report: Sky Shows, Star Parties, Interview and Club Picnic Highlight the MonthMoser, EarlPresident's Letter197608.pdf
1976, AugustObserving Chairman's Report: A Sweeping Look at Our Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy Thru Your TelescopeKnisely, DaveArticle197608.pdf
1976, AugustAugust 31 Meeting Returns to Old Stomping Grounds at Olin HallNotice197608.pdf
1976, JulyCommunity Observatory Needs your Help at August 12 City Council MeetingArticle197607.pdf