Search Results
Issue | Title | Author | Category | |
1968, February | Astrophotography: Part 2 - Photography with a Telescope | Johnson, Rick | Article | 196802.pdf |
1968, February | MSRAL Convention notice | Notice | 196802.pdf | |
1968, February | Amateur Radio Astronomy | Woerner, Ed | Article | 196802.pdf |
1968, January | Editorial | Coatsworth, Scott | Article | 196801.pdf |
1968, January | Meeting notice | Notice | 196801.pdf | |
1968, January | President's Report | Moser, Earl | President's Letter | 196801.pdf |
1968, January | Mid-states Region Convention | Events | 196801.pdf | |
1968, January | Astrophotography: Part 1 - Stellar photography without a telescope | Johnson, Rick | Article | 196801.pdf |
1968, January | Astronomy in the News | Article | 196801.pdf | |
1968, January | The Club's Telescope | Article | 196801.pdf | |
1967, December | Editorial | Coatsworth, Scott | Article | 196712.pdf |
1967, December | Meeting notice | Notice | 196712.pdf | |
1967, December | President's Report | Moser, Earl | President's Letter | 196712.pdf |
1967, December | Film Emulsions and Cold Cameras | Stepp, Larry | Article | 196712.pdf |
1967, November | Editorial | Cole, Monte | Article | 196711.pdf |
1967, November | Meeting notice | Notice | 196711.pdf | |
1967, November | President's Report | President's Letter | 196711.pdf | |
1967, November | The Grazing Occultation of Saturn | Coatsworth, Scott | Article | 196711.pdf |
1967, October | Editorial | Coatsworth, Scott | Article | 196710.pdf |
1967, October | Meeting notice | Notice | 196710.pdf |