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Issue Title Author Category PDF
2016, MarchClocking the Rotation Rate of a Supermassive Black HoleNews, Syndicated201603.pdf
2016, MarchDark Stains on Mercury Reveal Its Ancient CrustmajorNews, Syndicated201603.pdf
2016, MarchObservatory Update: IC 239Johnson, RickArticle201603.pdf
2016, MarchDSLR Astrophotography UntrackedMrazekNews, Syndicated201603.pdf
2016, MarchFrom the Archives: March, 1976From the Archives201603.pdf
2016, MarchApril Observing: What to ViewKvasnicka, JimArticle201603.pdf
2016, MarchFocus on Constellations: LeoKvasnicka, JimArticle201603.pdf
2016, MarchGravitational Wave Astronomy Will Be The Next Great Scientific FrontiersiegelNews, Syndicated201603.pdf
2016, MarchThe Bright Spots on Ceres Are BlinkingMajorNews, Syndicated201603.pdf
2016, FebruaryProgram: Observing ProgramsNotice201602.pdf
2016, FebruaryMeeting MinutesTaylor, LeeClub Business201602.pdf
2016, FebruaryCommon Double Stars with Significant Color ContrastKnisely, DaveArticle201602.pdf
2016, FebruaryClose Encounters of the Bovine KindJohnson, RickArticle201602.pdf
2016, February5 Major Galaxies, 9 Minor AsteroidsJohnson, RickArticle201602.pdf
2016, FebruaryNews Brief: Thirty Meter Telescope StatusNews, Syndicated201602.pdf
2016, FebruaryWhat Happens When LIGO Texts You to Say It's Detected One of Einstein's Predicted Gravitational WavesHannaNews, Syndicated201602.pdf
2016, FebruaryMarch Observing: What to ViewKvasnicka, JimArticle201602.pdf
2016, FebruaryFocus on Constellations: PuppisKvasnicka, JimArticle201602.pdf
2016, FebruaryThe Closest New Stars to EarthsiegelNews, Syndicated201602.pdf
2016, FebruaryFrom the Archives: July, 1968From the Archives201602.pdf